The Elusive American Dream – “Wake Up”
So much has been said over the years about the American Dream! In fact, most of our life we are in pursuit of achieving this goal. We spend years in college and secondary education in hopes of one day realizing the "dream". After all, who doesn't dream or have hope for a better life. Millions have crossed the U.S. boarders on a quest for their piece of the American pie. So many been left with open-ended dreams yet to be fulfilled. It is terribly disappointing when you plan and push toward higher plains only to be turned around or to find that the plain has moved higher.
Life nowadays seems like a trip to the amusement park. Most amusement parks have two sides. There is the side where you stand in line until it is your turn. If you stay in line you are guaranteed a thrill ride. Once you reach the front of the line, you sit down, strap up, and enjoy the ride. Then there is the other side of the park. That side is the game of chance side. You already paid admission, but you have to spend more money on that side of the park. There are no guarantees on the game of chance side of the park. You may or may not walk away with a prize. There is a target to shoot for, but the target keeps moving. They give you three balls, but it takes four to knock over the weighted milk jugs. Some fast talker behind the counter gives you a handful of tiny rings and tells you to get them over the wide-mouth jar. The swindler gives you some bouncy balls and says, "You can walk away with a prize if you can rest the balls in the circle".
If you spend much time on this side of the park, you will soon be separated from your hard earned cash. You feel cheated as you step back away from the counter. Then you head back to the other side of the park. While you are back doing your best to forget about the games of chance, you spot someone walking through the park with the object of your desire. There is some kid carrying the overstuffed and oversized animal that you worked so hard to get. Somebody else has your prize and they are off to enjoy it!
The Elusive American Dream seems to be similar in nature. Out of touch, fast-talking politicians, and the already affluent are enjoying the spoils. There are less than ten days left for Washington to solve this debt crisis. It sickens me to know that people are more concerned with politics than they are with serving those who voted them into office. The economy is at a standstill while they play politics. I say, everybody stay home and don't vote for anyone. Wall Street does not know what to do while all of this is going on. As stock drops, those that can afford to lose a little more and buy stock at a cheap rate are doing so. A great number of investors cannot afford to keep losing in this game of chance. Here is the hook, when the economy turns for the better rich folk will be even richer because they could afford to stay in the market. Long gone will be those who came to the game of chance with just a few dollars to spend. They lined up hoping they too would win a prize. That they too would get a part of the American Dream.
There is only one way we are going to apprehend this American Dream. Some folks are going to have to 'wake up' and others are going to have to lose sleep. Citizens, "Wake Up". Know what is going on around you in the political circles. Do not simply vote based on the party that your parents voted. Do not simply vote for a certain party supposedly because of their religious stance on issues. Civil duty also requires equality for all and to put an end to oppression at every level.
Finally, politicians are going to have to lose some sleep. The condition of our economy should make the gatekeepers lose sleep. Somebody should be working and thinking through the night until real change is made. Perhaps we need to change policies on tenures and when elections take place. Somewhere, somebody is always a candidate. If you are not running for office, you are trying to stay in office. And then another is working on post-political office strategies to sustain their future. Instead of looking one day ahead, they are too busy making the right connections for the day after the re-election does not go in their favor.
Why should the American Dream be so elusive?
Eula C. Gaddis, II
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is my power to choose my response. In my response lies my growth and my freedom."
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